What Is It?
The 24 Hour Mountain Bike World Championship Race – Racers bike for 24 hours in a row – 12 noon – 12 noon. After being in Scotland last year, Australia in 2013 and Italy in 2012, Weaverville, CA will be hosting this international event!!
What Do People Call This?
The Race / WEMBO / Weaverville 24 / World Championships / The Worlds
Official Name: World Solo 24 Hour Mountain Bike Championships
When Is It?
This coming October. Saturday October 03 – Sunday 04, 2015
Where Is It Taking Place?
On the Weaver Basin Trail System, a network of amazing single track trails in the hills just above Weaverville. Click here for more information on the trail system or call 530.623.6004.
When Will The Racers Arrive?
Some participants are planning on arriving a week before the event and some will arrive as late as the morning of the event.
Is There An Option to Ride for less than 24 Hours?
Yes, on Saturday September 26th there will be an 8 Hour and 4 Hour race taking place on the same World Championship Course.
Click here for more information – https://weaverville24.us/8and4hours/
What do riders have to do to qualify for this world championship?
There is no qualifying necessary for either the World Championships or the 8/4 Hour race. From amateurs to the most elite athletes, this open to anyone who wants to enter and race.
Where Will the Riders Check In?
For the World Championships, Rider Check In will be at the Veterans Memorial Hall, 109 Memorial Drive, next to the Sheriff’s Department just off of Main Street before you head west towards the Coast / Junction City. Early registration starts @ 2:00 pm on Thursday, October 01.
Who Are the Major Sponsors?
Santa Cruz Bicycles, Redding Subaru, Sierra Nevada Brewing, Coast Central Credit Union, Trinity Public Utility District, Tops Market, New West Medical, Nite Rider, Hammer Nutrition, Verge Sport, Trinity Hospital, Race Across America, Trinity River Lumber Company, Scott Valley Bank, Trinity County Chamber of Commerce, Trinity County Resource Conservation District, Sharp Electric, Weaverville Lions Club, E. Clampus Vitus
Will There Be Places To View The Race?
Yes. Flyers with viewing locations will be available at the Trinity County Chamber of Commerce and online at www.weaverville24.us and www.visittrinity.org. The main viewing location will be at the Trinity High School football stadium.
Will there be a shuttle service to get to the viewing areas?
There may be shuttle service to and from Trinity High School for spectators.
Details are still in process.
Where can WEMBO merchandise be purchased?
Currently WEMBO / Weaverville 24 merchandise can be purchased at www.bikereg.com/weaverville24
T Shirts will also be available soon at the Trinity County Chamber of Commerce. Merchandise will also be available at the event.
What other activities will be going on at the High School Football Stadium?
The High School Stadium will be the main Pit Area for the race (think NASCAR) where riders will come in once each lap to confirm their time and stop, very briefly (under 1 minute) for repairs, food, etc. There will also be sponsor related booths at the stadium.
Are there Award/Prizes for the winners?
Yes, there are cash prizes and medals for both races. The overall purse for the World Championships is over $ 15,000 (divided among categories).
When and where will the awards be held?
Award ceremonies will be held almost immediately after the race on Sunday afternoon, likely at the Veterans Memorial Hall.
Can I Volunteer to Help?
Yes, volunteer signups are available at www.weaverville24.us
Under the “Host and Volunteer” Menu
Additional Info:
Trinity County Chamber of Commerce – 530.623.6101 – www.visittrinity.org
Weaverville24 – info@weaverville24.us – www.weaverville24.us